How it all started
On Saturday, January 23th 2016 I decided that I was going to give a way head I strung up for a contest. I thought about how I was going to do it, I didn't want to rush the idea so I slept on it. The next day I remembered my Instagram bud, Lew (@florida_lax_connection) was doing a fundraiser trying to save a middle school lacrosse program. Then it hit me, I'd ask my online friends who should get it this head. I figured I post about it first thing on Monday:
Inspired by @florida_lax_connection I have been thinking of how I can help grow the game knowing that I have less than no money. And here is the first step of what I hope is many. I tied this up for the string league challenge. It is a replica of @kyleharrison18 's pocket with G3 mesh from @stringersshack After messing with it felt it would be a great pocket for a beginning player (or any player really.) So, I have decided to give it away. I am not interested in a random giveaway with a bunch of folks following me for a few days until the contest is over. Follower count doesn't motivate me in the least. What I want is to help a young player discover this game. And I would like your help to find this player. You can do this a number of ways, you can DM me, you can go to and click "Contact Me"...whatever. And tell me who you think could use this head and why. Also, I am a single dad, and like I said, less than no money. So, if you are somebody that would like to contribute to this little project by providing a handle to round out this head, let me know. I have a few extra heads (I have lots). If there is enough interest, I may continue to do this. Even if you don't know someone, spread the word. I'm sure someone knows someone that could use a new head. There is no WRONG reason to deserve this, but there will be a reason that gets it.
For a few years, I have been giving away sticks here and there. If I saw someone that needed, I did it. But this was something different. I opened it up to everyone, everywhere. You say that I seriously under estimated there response. I honestly expected to give out one here and there.
Within 20 minutes another Instagram friend, Neil (@cardinallacrosse, contacted about donating the cause. By that evening, I had many many more handles and heads heading my way. And more than a few nominations for free sticks.
Tuesday morning, I knew I had to make this more formal - and the name "LaxSeeds" came to me. Playing on the mantra of "Grow the Game". I started working on the logo, and thru together a website. Then launched the new organization today, Wednesday.
Whirlwind! There is so so much more coming. Stay tuned. And help us: "One Stick at a Time."